
The Unique Capsule Environment

I am often asked “Jim, what makes your product so unique? Net it out for me.” The “elevator answer” is this. “The unique capsule environment allows business people to build their own applications for sophisticated data analysis without programming and without IT intervention. This makes them

The Best Query Tool for Star Schemas

There are two names that stand above all others in the Business Intelligence Business. They are Bill Inmon and Dr. Ralph Kimball. Both have contributed greatly to our industry. Our industry is richer for their efforts of over 30 years. I recently had the opportunity to meet Bill Inmon face to

Introducing the Meta5 Data Analysis Desktop

In our last blog entry we went a little bit deeper in to the characteristics and the role of what we call the “Power Data Analyst”. We see these people all the time in the companies that we work with. You will not find any large companies that do not have a small contingent of […]